Club 100 CHARITIES, TWO million food items distributed

The food pantry, over its 12 years of operation has served over 140.000 families collectively. On the
average weekly, families receive from 25 to 40 food items as well as at least 15 good clothes items. This
is occurring on each Tuesday in the City of Lake Park. With the help of area churches, organizations, and
individuals we have now distributed over TWO MILLION FOOD ITEMS and over 200.000 clothes items
during the past 12 years. This was made possible by the ongoing gifts from area churches, business’s,
organizations, and individuals. On a given Tuesday 150 families assemble for hours in line for their turn.
The club’s goal is too provide each person in a family with two meals for a family of 5. Photos that follow
show some of the action that occurs when the pantry is open. We are especially thankful for such
groups as the PB County Food Bank, WPB Harvest, Whole Food stores, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, the
community foundation of WPB and the Quantum Foundation, that collectively have made it possible to
serve the community like we do.