Board of Directors

Club 100 officers are elected every year and Board Members have 2-year terms.  The Board of Directors are those people with a deep foundation of Club 100 Charities vision and mission and know and care about the needs in our community with our youth, elderly, homeless, handicapped and families.


PRESIDENT – Paul Cherry
Paul is a retired Civil Engineer with a strong background in leading diverse teams to define, develop and attain goals.  This skill is important when leading any non-profit where all Board members have worthwhile projects and ideas they’d like to pursue.  As President Paul is active in our Public Relations, Board Development, Fundraising, Social Media, Program Development, and Financial Stability.

Harry is one of the Founders of Club 100 and was a professional resource developer for Ohio State.  He uses these skills to find grants opportunities for Club 100’s various outreach programs.  Harry developed the Food and Clothing Pantry in Lake Park and continues to oversee the operation.  He concentrates in helping the homeless, poor, veterans, and minority youth.

TREASURER – Doug Elder
Doug retired after 30 years as a Finance Executive in both private and public companies. He provides financial control and compliance services that ensure Club 100 remains a viable operation.  He also volunteers time in the Food and Clothing Pantry in Lake Park.

SECRETARY – Cindy Miller
Cindy is an Accountant and served as Treasurer several years prior to moving to Secretary.  Besides bringing a wealth of knowledge concerning our tax responsibilities she has excellent organizational skills.  She totally believes in the work Club 100 is doing and has strengths in Event Planning, Public Relations, Social Media, and Board development.  All these bring important attributes to our Board.

DIRECTOR February 2021 – Leigh Coburn
Leigh is one of the Founders of Club 100. His background is 30 years management in the steel industry concentrating on the startup and operation of several steel production facilities. He has also started a non-profit in Indiana concentrating on building affordable homes for people struggling to get out of homelessness. Besides the homeless he wants to give youth the tools needed to lead a successful life.

DIRECTOR March 2021 – John Vogel
John is a retired banker and his experience is very helpful in our financial planning.  He volunteers at the Lake Park operation often showing up with his tool kit when needed.  John is presently working on our fundraising efforts.  Without proper funding non-profits can’t survive.

DIRECTOR March 2021 – Mi Sun Donahue
Mi Sun has been active in community service ever since she came to the USA from Korea over 50 years ago.  She is a successful business owner, author, philosopher, teacher, healer and lecturer.  She makes a positive difference in people’s lives by getting actively involved in the community.  As such she’s been an active volunteer at Club 100’s Food and Clothing Pantry in Lake Park.

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